Saturday, January 19, 2008

the Kennedys - A family of courage

the JFK assassinations:
It is sad how a country could loose those who do nothing but positively impact the people and their lives, and yet it is so depressing to understand why we still have not found those individuals who are behind "the JFK assassinations". The entire JFK clan has been almost wiped out and those who dare to question, get silenced forever.

From JFK Sr. to JFK Jr. - Why the official story is in doubt.

Evidence Of A Cover up

Part 1. An Age Of Lies - Taken from what really

We live in a time of very unpleasant realities. Truth has become such a valuable commodity that the government of the United States and the media have started (to put it politely) economizing it. Documented cases of media deception over the years have made it clear that the media lies to the public on important issues. As Richard Salent, Former President of CBS News has stated, media's job is to feed the public what media thinks the public ought to know. Clearly, anything that happens that the media doesn't think the public needs to know about will simply not be reported.

By way of example, let's take a look at the JFK assassination. For years, the government and the media sang a uniform chorus of "lone assassin" and "Magic Bullet", even though careful analysis showed that the media was using fraudulent photos to sell these claims. Finally, last year, trapped by his own handwritten notes uncovered in the National Archives, Warren Commission member Gerald Ford admitted that the Warren Report altered the official location of the entry wound on JFK's back. While the admission was made to appear quite trivial in the media, a moment's consideration reveals that this confession triggers some important consequences.
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more from here
and here
Kennedy website


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